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1. 释义:对某人或某物感到非常同情、痛心或难过的情绪,常伴随着想要帮助或安慰的冲动。

2. 发音:/ˈsɪmpəθi/ (音标:sim-puh-thee)

3. 感受同情:feel sympathy

4. 感到心疼:feel sorry for

5. 深表同情:express sympathy

6. 表示关怀:show concern

7. 例句:

– I feel so sorry for her, she lost her job and has been struggling to make ends meet.

– When I heard about the earthquake in their country, my heart went out to the people who were affected.

– My friend was going through a tough time and I wanted to show her my concern by giving her a hug.

8. 幽默元素:

– My heart aches for you, but don’t worry, it’s not a medical condition.

– If you need someone to feel sorry for you, just give me a call, I’m an expert at that.

– Sometimes all we need is someone to understand and say ”I feel your pain”, even if they can’t really help us


1. 表达方式:My heart aches for you.

例句:I saw how hard you worked on that project, my heart aches for you when it didn’t turn out as expected.

2. 表达方式:I feel your pain.

例句:Losing a loved one is never easy, I feel your pain and I’m here for you.

3. 表达方式:It breaks my heart.

例句:Seeing the devastation caused by the natural disaster breaks my heart.

4. 表达方式:My heart goes out to you.

例句:I heard about your difficult situation, my heart goes out to you and your family.

5. 表达方式:It hurts me to see you like this.

例句:You’ve been going through a lot lately, it hurts me to see you struggling.

6. 表达方式:I sympathize with you.

例句:As someone who has also experienced loss, I sympathize with what you’re going through.

7. 表达方式:My heart breaks for your situation.

例句:I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you right now, my heart breaks for your situation.

8. 表达方式:I understand how you feel.

例句: Going through a breakup is tough, I understand how you feel and I’m here to listen if you need to talk.

9. 表达方式:You have all of my empathy.

例句: Dealing with anxiety can be overwhelming, but know that you have all of my empathy and support.

10. 表达方式: My heart is heavy for what happened to you.

例句: Hearing about the accident made me so sad, my heart is heavy for what happened to you


1. 悲伤:表示对某人或某事感到悲伤和难过。

例如:My heart aches for you.(我的心为你而痛。)

2. 关切:表示对某人或某事的关心和担忧。

例如:I’m worried about you.(我很担心你。)

3. 同情:表示对某人遭遇困难或不幸时的同情和怜悯。

例如:I feel sorry for you.(我为你感到难过。)

4. 心碎:表示因为某件事而感到心痛和痛苦。

例如:My heart is broken for you.(我的心为你而碎。)

5. 惋惜:表示对某人或某事的遗憾和惋惜。

例如:It’s a pity for you.(真可惜啊。)

6. 爱护:表示对某人或某物的爱戴和保护。

例如:I care about you deeply.(我非常在乎你。)

7. 怜爱:表示对某人的喜爱和怜悯。

例如:I have a soft spot for you.(我对你有特别的好感。)

8. 同情心: 表示对他人处境的同情和理解。

例如: My heart goes out to you.(我的心与你同在。)

9. 心疼: 表示对他人遭受痛苦或困难的同情和怜悯。

例如: I feel for you. (我为你感到心疼。)

10. 爱怜: 表示对某人的爱护和同情。

例如: I have a fondness for you. (我对你有一种喜爱之情。)


1. 冷漠


– She was surprised by his coldness towards her when she needed help the most. (当她最需要帮助时,他对她的冷漠让她感到惊讶。)

– The lack of empathy in society is a cause for concern. (社会上缺乏同情心令人担忧。)

2. 漠不关心


– He showed no interest in her problems and seemed completely indifferent to her situation. (他对她的问题毫无兴趣,似乎完全不在意她的处境。)

– The parents’ lack of concern for their child’s well-being was concerning to the teacher. (父母对孩子健康状况的漠不关心让老师感到担忧。)

3. 平静


– She remained calm and composed despite the chaos around her. (尽管周围一片混乱,她仍保持着冷静和沉着。)

– The doctor’s calm demeanor helped ease the patient’s worries. (医生平静的态度帮助缓解了患者的担忧。)

4. 无动于衷


– He was completely indifferent to the suffering of others and only cared about his own interests. (他对他人的痛苦毫不在意,只关心自己的利益。)

– The government’s lack of action towards the crisis showed their apathy towards the citizens’ struggles. (政府对危机缺乏行动表明他们对公民困境的冷漠。)

5. 忽略


– She felt hurt and neglected when her friends constantly ignored her. (当她的朋友们经常忽略她时,她感到受伤和被忽视。)

– The company’s disregard for employee well-being led to high turnover rates. (公司对员工福利的忽视导致高流失率。)

