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1. 空气中的:让我们来看一下airy这个单词的字面意思。它源自于英文中的air,意为“空气”,加上后缀-y,就形成了一个新的形容词——airy。因此,它最基本的含义是“空气中的”。

2. 轻盈的:除了字面意思外,airy还有一个非常常见且广泛使用的含义——轻盈的。当我们形容某物或某人时说“他/她很airy”,就是在表达他们给人一种轻盈、柔和、舒适的感觉。比如说,在一场音乐会上听到一首轻快悠扬的曲子,我们可以说:“这首歌曲真是太airy了!”

3. 空洞无力的:除了以上两种含义外,airy还可以指代一种负面情绪——空洞无力。比如说,在写作文时用了很多空洞无力、没有实际意义的词语,老师可能会批评你“太多空洞无力的词汇,需要更加具体和有力的表达。”

4. 虚幻的:最后,airy还可以指代一种虚幻的感觉。比如说,在梦中经历了一场奇幻的冒险,我们可能会形容它为“一个airy的梦境”。



1. airy是一个英文单词,读作/ˈɛəri/,音标为[air-ee]。

2. 这个词的意思是“空气的”、“轻盈的”、“通风的”,也可以指“空虚的”、“无聊的”等含义。

3. 在英语中,airy还可以用作形容词和副词,形容词时意为“空气般的”、“轻快的”,副词时意为“轻松地”、“不在乎地”。

4. 例如:The room was airy and spacious. (房间通风宽敞。)

5. 除了以上基本含义外,airy还有一些常用搭配和短语,如:

– airy fairy:指某人或某事缺乏实际性或现实性;

– airy persiflage:轻佻嘲讽;

– in an airy way:轻快地;

– with an airy wave of the hand:挥手示意。

6. 在口语中,airy也可以用来表示某人心情愉快、兴奋或满足。例如:She’s feeling quite airy today.

7. 此外,在一些专业领域中,airy也有特定含义。比如在天文学中,airy指代爱尔兰天文学家George Biddell Airy;在音乐术语中,airy则表示音色清脆、明亮。

8. 总的来说,airy是一个多义且常用的词汇,可以根据具体语境来理解其含义。在使用时要注意搭配和语气,避免出现歧义


1. airy的定义及用法


2. airy的双语例句

1) The room was airy and bright, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light.


2) She had an airy grace about her as she danced across the stage.


3) The house was designed to be airy and spacious, with high ceilings and large windows.


4) He has an airy way of speaking that makes everyone feel at ease.


5) The dress was made of airy fabric, perfect for a summer day.


6) She had an airy laugh that filled the room with joy.


7) The mountain air was fresh and airy, making it a perfect spot for camping.


8) Her paintings have an airy quality to them, as if they were floating in the air.


9) The music had an airy melody that lifted everyone’s spirits.


10) The house was surrounded by airy gardens and lush greenery.



1. airy and light – 轻盈的

2. airy-fairy – 虚幻的,空想的

3. airy castle – 空中楼阁

4. airy hopes – 空洞的希望

5. airy language – 轻浮的言辞

6. airy manner – 轻佻的态度

7. airy tone – 轻薄的语气

8. light and airy – 明亮通风的

9. fresh and airy – 清新通风的

10. open and airy – 开放宽敞的

11. dreamy and airy – 梦幻般轻盈的

12. bright and airy – 明亮轻快的

13. spacious and airy – 宽敞通风的

14. breezy and airy – 凉爽轻风的

15. ethereal and airy – 飘渺轻盈的

16. an airy room – 通风明亮的房间

17. an airy dress- 轻盈透气的裙子

18. an airy atmosphere- 清新空气

19. an airy balcony- 宽敞露台

20. an airy design- 空灵设计

21.airy fairy tale- 空想童话

22.airy music- 抒情音乐

23.airy clouds- 漂浮云朵

24.airy curtains- 透气窗帘

25.airy fabric- 透气面料

26.airy mountains- 飘渺的山峰

27.airy feeling- 轻盈感觉

28.airy breeze- 轻风拂面

29.airy texture- 空灵质地

30.airy dreams – 梦幻空灵的梦想

31.airy fairy wings – 虚幻仙女翅膀

32.airy garden – 清新花园

33.airy thoughts – 空灵的思绪

34.airy voice – 轻柔的声音

35.airy touch – 轻盈触感

36.airy landscapes – 漂浮的风景

37.airy wingspan – 宽广的翅膀展开

38.airy fabrications – 空灵的虚构物

39.airy melodies – 抒情旋律

40.airy movements – 轻盈动作

41.the airy heights of success – 成功的高度

42.an airy fairy tale ending – 空想般美好的结局

43.the airy feeling of freedom – 自由轻盈的感觉

44.the airy charm of the countryside – 乡村清新的魅力

45.the airy grace of a ballerina’s movements – 芭蕾舞者轻盈优雅的动作


1. Light – airy的意思是轻盈的,而light也有轻巧、轻松、明亮的意思,可以用来替换airy。例如:The fabric of her dress was light and airy, making her look like a fairy.

2. Breezy – 这个词形容空气流动的感觉,和airy一样也有轻盈、清爽的意思。例如:The balcony had a breezy atmosphere, with the curtains swaying in the wind.

3. Ethereal – 这个词源于希腊神话中指仙女的世界,形容某物具有超凡脱俗、优雅的特质。可以用来形容空气、音乐等具有airy的特点。例如:The ethereal music filled the room, creating a dreamy atmosphere.

4. Delicate – delicate也可以用来形容某物轻盈、柔软,和airy一样都有精致、优雅的含义。例如:She was wearing a delicate dress with an airy fabric that flowed around her.

5. Weightless – 这个词指没有重量或感觉上没有重量,和airy一样都有轻盈、飘逸的意思。例如:As she jumped on the trampoline, she felt weightless and free like an airy feather.

6. Floating – floating是漂浮的意思,和airy一样都有悬浮、飘浮的含义。可以用来描述空气或云朵等具有轻盈感的东西。例如:The clouds were floating in the sky, creating an airy and peaceful atmosphere.

7. Diaphanous – 这个词形容某物透明、轻薄,和airy一样都有轻盈、柔软的意思。可以用来形容衣服或布料等具有透明质地的东西。例如:The bride’s dress was made of diaphanous fabric, giving her a delicate and airy appearance.

8. Gossamer – gossamer指非常薄的、像蛛丝一样的东西,形容某物轻盈、精致。和airy一样都有飘逸、纤细的含义。例如:The curtains were made of gossamer material, allowing the sunlight to filter through and create an airy atmosphere in the room.

9. Wispy – wispy指某物纤细而薄弱,和airy一样都有轻盈、细小的意思。可以用来形容头发或云朵等具有轻盈感的东西。例如:Her hair was styled in wispy curls, giving her a soft and airy look.

10. Heavenly – heavenly是天堂的意思,和airy一样都有神圣、超凡脱俗的含义。可以用来形容空气或音乐等具有仙境般的感觉。例如:The garden was filled with the heavenly scent of flowers, creating an airy and peaceful atmosphere

