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1. 定义


2. 词源


3. 在法律领域的应用

在法律领域,breach通常被用来指违反合同、协议或法律的行为。例如,在合同中规定了特定的条款和条件,如果任何一方未能履行其责任,则被认为是breach of contract(违约)。此外,在知识产权保护方面,如果未经授权使用他人的作品,则也可以被视为breach of copyright(侵犯版权)。

4. 在网络安全领域的应用

随着互联网的普及和发展,网络安全问题也日益突出。在这个领域,breach通常指未经授权的访问或入侵。例如,黑客利用漏洞或技术手段进入系统或网络,获取敏感信息或破坏系统功能,就被称为data breach(数据泄露)或security breach(安全漏洞)。

5. 其他应用场景

除了法律和网络安全领域外,breach这个词还可以应用于其他场景。比如,在人际关系中,如果一方违背了承诺或信任,则可以被称为breach of trust(背信弃义)。在商业领域,如果企业未能达到预期的业绩目标,则也可以被视为breach of performance(业绩不达标)。



1. breach的发音


2. breach的读音


3. 动词形式:/briːtʃ/


– The company breached the contract by not delivering the goods on time. (公司未能按时交货违反了合同)

– The government accused the opposition party of breaching the constitution. (政府指责反对党违反宪法)


– The breach of trust by the employee led to his dismissal. (员工违背信任导致被解雇)

– The company was fined for breaching safety regulations. (公司因违反安全规定而被罚款)

4. 名词形式:/breɪtʃ/


– The ship suffered a breach in the hull during the storm. (船只在风暴中船身出现裂缝)

– The security breach in the system allowed hackers to access sensitive information. (系统的安全漏洞让黑客能够获取敏感信息)


– The company was fined for a breach of environmental regulations. (公司因违反环境规定而被罚款)

– The politician was accused of a breach of ethics. (政治家被指控违反伦理道德)



1. breach的定义和词源


2. breach在法律文件中的使用

在法律文件中,breach通常用于指违反合同条款或法律规定。例如,在一份合同中,如果一方未能履行其约定的义务,则被视为违约(breach of contract)。这种情况下,另一方可以采取法律手段来要求赔偿损失。在这种情况下,breach是一个严重的问题,可能导致严重后果。

3. breach在商业领域中的使用

除了法律文件外,在商业领域中也经常使用breach一词。比如,在保密协议(non-disclosure agreement)中,如果一方泄露了保密信息,则被视为违反协议(breach of agreement)。这种情况下,另一方可以采取行动来保护其商业利益。

4. breach在安全领域中的使用

在安全领域,breach常被用来指安全漏洞或数据泄露。例如,在网络安全方面,如果黑客成功突破了系统的防御措施,则被称为“网络入侵”(breach of network)。这种情况下,系统的安全性受到威胁,可能会导致重大损失。

5. breach在翻译行业中的意义

在翻译行业中,breach通常指违反合同或协议条款。这可能发生在客户和翻译公司之间的合同中,也可能发生在翻译公司和翻译人员之间的协议中。例如,在一份合同中,如果翻译公司未能按时交付翻译稿件,则被视为违约(breach of contract)。这种情况下,客户可以要求赔偿或终止合作关系。

6. 如何避免breach



1. 不要将breach翻译为“违反”:虽然在某些场景下可以这样使用,但breach更常见的意思是“破坏”或“损害”。比如,“data breach”指的是数据泄露,而不是数据违反。

2. 注意词性:breach是一个名词,不要将其误译为动词。正确的用法应该是“breach of contract”(违约)或“breach of trust”(背信弃义)。

3. 强调程度:在中文中,“违反”一般表示轻微的过错,但在英文中,breach通常指严重的破坏或侵害。因此,在翻译时要注意保持其强调程度。

4. 慎用直译:有时候直接将breach翻译为“突破”、“打破”等可能会导致误解。比如,“security breach”并不表示安全被突破,而是指安全受到了损害。

5. 注意上下文:在法律文件中,breach通常指违反合约条款或法律规定。但在技术领域,则可能指系统遭受黑客攻击。因此,在翻译时要根据上下文来确定其具体含义。

6. 考虑使用同义词:如果breach的意思并不明确,可以考虑使用同义词来帮助读者更好地理解。比如,可以将其翻译为“violation”、“infringement”等


1. 违反法规 (Breach of regulations)

例句:The company was fined for breach of regulations regarding environmental protection.

2. 破坏 (Breach)

例句:The hacker was able to breach the company’s security system and access sensitive information.

3. 违背诺言 (Breach of promise)

例句:He was sued for breach of promise after breaking off the engagement with his fiancée.

4. 超越界限 (Breach a boundary)

例句:The protestors breached the police barricade and entered the restricted area.

5. 泄露 (Breach of confidentiality)

例句:The employee was fired for breaching confidentiality by sharing confidential company information with a competitor.

6. 违反协议 (Breach of contract)

例句:The contractor was sued for breach of contract after failing to complete the project on time.

7. 突破防线 (Breach a defense line)

例句:The army successfully breached the enemy’s defense line and gained control of the territory.

8. 侵入 (Breach into)

例句:The burglar breached into the house through an unlocked window.

9. 攻破 (Breach a stronghold)

例句:Despite their efforts, the invaders were unable to breach the castle’s strongholds.

10. 违反信任 (Breach of trust)

例句:He lost his job for breaching trust by embezzling company funds.

11. 背信弃义 (Breach faith)

例句:She felt betrayed when her best friend breached faith by spreading rumors about her.

12. 突破障碍物 (Breach an obstacle)

例句:The marathon runner breached the final obstacle and crossed the finish line.

13. 违反法律 (Breach of law)

例句:The company was fined for breach of law by engaging in illegal business practices.

14. 破裂 (Breach)

例句:The dam breached due to heavy rainfall, causing flooding in the surrounding area.

15. 超出限制 (Breach a limit)

例句:He was disqualified from the race for breaching the speed limit.

16. 违反规定 (Breach of rules)

例句:The athlete was suspended for breach of rules by using performance-enhancing drugs.

17. 侵犯 (Breach)

例句:The company was sued for breaching intellectual property rights by using copyrighted material without permission.

18. 裂缝 (Breach)

例句:The bridge collapsed due to a breach in its structure, causing multiple injuries.

19. 突破封锁 (Breach a blockade)

例句:The ship managed to breach the enemy’s blockade and deliver much-needed supplies to the island.

20. 违反道德标准 (Breach of ethics)

例句:He was fired for breach of ethics after being caught accepting bribes from clients

