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有句老话说得好,“三人行必有我师”。这句话在翻译行业中也有着重要的意义。那么,你知道这句话在英语中怎么表达吗?如果你想正确地读出这个短语,或者想了解它的常见用法和双语例句,那就一定不能错过今天的文章。除此之外,我们还会为你介绍与“三人行必有我师用英语怎么说”相关的词组,并给出同义短语示例:three’s a crowd, two’s company, one’s a lonely number。让我们一起来探索吧!



1. ”There is always something to learn from others.”(总有一些东西可以从他人身上学习。)


2. ”Each one teach one.”(每个人都能教给其他人一些东西。)


3. ”Learning is a lifelong journey.”(学习是一生的旅程。)


4. ”We can learn something from everyone we meet.”(我们可以从遇到的每个人那里学到一些东西。)




我们需要注意的是“三人行”这个词组的发音。它在英语中可以写作“three people walking”,读音为/thriː ˈpiːpl ˈwɔːkɪŋ/。而在口语中,可能会简化为/thriː ˈpiːpl ˈwɔːkən/。所以,在读这个短语时,可以选择使用简化后的发音。

我们要注意“必有我师”部分的发音。它可以写作“there must be my teacher”,读音为/ðer mʌst bi maɪ ˈtiːtʃər/。但是,在口语中,往往会将“there”简化为/dər/,并且将“my”和“teacher”连读成/mi tiːtʃər/。所以,在念这个短语时,可以选择使用简化后的发音


1. ”Wherever you go, there will always be someone wiser than you.


例句:In the journey of life, we should always remember that ”wherever you go, there will always be someone wiser than you.

2. ”There are always teachers among three people.


例句:As the saying goes, ”there are always teachers among three people,” so we should learn from others and improve ourselves.

3. ”In a group of three people, I am sure to find a teacher.


例句:I believe that in any group of three people, I can always find someone who can teach me something new.

4. ”Three people walking together will surely have my teacher among them.


例句:When I am surrounded by two other people, I am certain that one of them will be able to teach me something valuable.

5. ”In every group of three people, there is bound to be someone who can be my teacher.


例句:No matter where I go or who I meet, I believe that there is always someone who can teach me new things and help me grow.

6. ”Among any three individuals, there is surely one from whom I can learn.


例句:We should never underestimate the wisdom and knowledge that can be gained from others, as there is always someone who can teach us something new.

7. ”Three people walking together, I am sure to find a teacher among them.


例句:We should always keep an open mind and be willing to learn from those around us, as there is always something we can learn from others.

8. ”In a group of three people, I am certain to find my teacher.


例句:No matter how small the group may be, I am confident that there will always be someone who can teach me something new and valuable.

9. ”Three people walking together, one must be my teacher.


例句:When we are surrounded by others, we should always keep an open mind and be ready to learn from those around us, as there is always someone who can teach us something new.

10. ”Among three individuals, there is surely one who can guide me.


例句:We should never stop seeking knowledge and learning from others, as there is always someone who can guide us in our journey of personal growth and development


1. ”Three is a crowd, but there is always a teacher among them.”(三人行,必有我师。)

2. ”Two heads are better than one.”(两个人的头脑比一个人的好。)

3. ”No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.”(没有人是孤岛,每个人都是大陆的一部分。)

4. ”Learning from others’ strengths and making up for one’s own weaknesses.”(取长补短。)

5. ”As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”(铁与铁磨砺,一人与一人磨砺。)

6. ”In the multitude of counselors there is safety.”(众人的意见中有安全。)

7. ”A wise man learns by the experience of others, an ordinary man by his own experience, a fool by nobody’s experience.”(智者从他人经验中学习,普通人从自己经验中学习,愚者不从任何经验中学习。)

8. ”One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade.”(前辈栽树,后辈享荫。)

9. ”A teacher can open the door, but you must enter by yourself.”(老师能开门,但你必须自己进去。)

10. ”The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.”(最好的老师是那些告诉你该往哪里看,但不告诉你该看什么的人。)

11. ”The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”(整体大于部分之和。)

12. ”Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”(学习是一笔宝藏,会跟随主人到处走。)

13. ”A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.”(好老师就像蜡烛,为了照亮别人的路程消耗自己。)

14. ”Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”(活着就像明天就要死去一样,学习就像永远活着一样。)

15. ”The greatest learning happens when we teach others.”(最伟大的学习发生在我们教导他人的时候。)

同义短语示例:three’s a crowd, two’s company, one’s a lonely number

在英语中,有许多有趣的同义短语来表达“三人行必有我师”的意思。比如说,“three’s a crowd”(三人行),意为当三个人在一起时,就会变得拥挤、不舒服。这句话也暗示着当有太多人参与时,会导致混乱和不和谐的情况。

另外一个常用的同义短语是“two’s company”(两人成伴),意为两个人在一起时,就足够了。这句话传递出的信息是,在某些情况下,只需要两个人相互陪伴就可以了,不需要其他人的干扰

三人行必有我师用英语这个短语在日常生活中经常被使用,它提醒我们要虚心学习,随时随地都可以从他人身上学到知识和经验。正确地读这个短语可以帮助我们更加自然地表达自己的想法。在英语中,还有许多类似的词组和同义短语,如“three’s a crowd, two’s company, one’s a lonely number”,它们都传递着相同的含义。作为网站的编辑,我非常喜欢与大家分享有趣的英语知识,并且希望能够帮助大家提升英语水平。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我们一起学习进步吧!
