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1. ”举行”在英语中可以表达为hold、conduct、organize等词,具体使用哪个词取决于句子的语境和对象。

2. ”举行”作为动词时,可以表示组织、举办、进行等意思,常用于描述一项活动或仪式的开展。

3. 例如:”The company will hold a meeting next week.” (公司将在下周举行一次会议。)

4. ”The school will conduct a sports day for students.” (学校将为学生们举办一次运动会。)

5. ”The government organized a charity event to help the poor.” (政府组织了一场慈善活动来帮助穷人。)

6. 除了作为动词,”举行”还可以作为名词使用,表示某项活动或仪式的开展。

7. 例如:”The concert was a great success.” (这场音乐会非常成功。)

8. ”The wedding ceremony will be held in the church.” (婚礼仪式将在教堂举行。)

9. 总的来说,根据不同的语境和对象,”举行”可以有多种表达方式,在使用时需要注意搭配合理。

10. 如果要强调某个活动或仪式的隆重性和正式性,还可以使用其他表达方式如:host、arrange等。

11. 例如:”The university will host an academic conference next month.” (大学将在下个月主办一场学术会议。)

12. ”The government arranged a state banquet for the visiting president.” (政府为来访的总统安排了一场国宴。)

13. 总的来说,”举行”在英语中有多种表达方式,需要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达



1. “举行”的基本发音是/juːˈhaɪm/,其中“ju”读作/juː/,类似于中文的“居”,“ha”读作/haɪ/,类似于中文的“海”,“im”读作/m/,类似于中文的“姆”。

2. 注意,“举行”的第二个音节发音要重一些,即/heɪ/。

3. 在美式英语中,“举行”的第一个音节也可以读作/jʊ/,类似于中文的“玉”。

4. 如果想要更加准确地发音,“举行”的第一个音节应该是短元音/jə/,类似于中文的“嘉”。

5. 如果你想要带有一点幽默感地发音,“举行”可以读作/juː ˈheɪm/,其中/heɪm/可以理解为“嘿咻”,让你的朋友们开怀大笑。

6. 另外,在某些特定场合,“举行”的发音可能会有所变化。例如在婚礼上,“举行”可以读作/wedˈdɪŋ ˈserəmoʊni/,其中/serəmoʊni/指的是“仪式”。

7. 总之,想要正确发音“举行”,最重要的是注意重读音节/heɪ/,并根据场合选择合适的发音方式。



1. ”Hold”的用法:在翻译行业中,”hold”一词经常用来表示举行某个活动或会议。例如:”The conference will be held in the main hall.” (会议将在主厅举行。)

2. ”Conduct”的用法:另一个常见的词汇是”conduct”,它可以表示主持、引导或组织某个活动。例如:”The workshop will be conducted by a team of experienced translators.” (这次研讨会将由一支经验丰富的翻译团队主持。)

3. ”Organize”的用法:如果要表达组织某个活动的意思,可以使用”organize”这个词。例如:”We are organizing a translation competition for students.” (我们正在为学生们组织一场翻译比赛。)

4. ”Host”的用法:当你想要强调某个活动是由谁举办时,可以使用”host”这个词。例如:”The translation conference was hosted by the local translator association.” (这次翻译大会由当地的翻译协会主办。)

5. ”Arrange”的用法:如果要表达安排、筹备某个活动的意思,可以使用”arrange”这个词。例如:”We have arranged for simultaneous interpretation at the conference.” (我们已经安排了大会上的同声传译。)

6. 双语例句:为了帮助读者更好地理解这些词汇的用法,下面列出几个双语例句。

– The event will be held in both English and Chinese. (这次活动将以英文和中文进行。)

– The workshop was conducted in a lively and interactive manner. (研讨会以生动、互动的方式进行。)

– The organization of the conference was flawless. (大会的组织工作非常完美。)

– The local university will host the translation competition this year. (当地大学将在今年主办翻译比赛。)

– We have arranged for a professional translation team to assist with the project. (我们已经安排了一支专业的翻译团队来协助这个项目。)


1. Hold an event: 举办一场活动

例如:We will hold an event to celebrate our company’s anniversary next month. (我们将在下个月举办一场活动来庆祝公司的周年纪念。)

2. Organize a gathering: 组织一次聚会

例如:The school is organizing a gathering for alumni next week. (学校将在下周为校友组织一次聚会。)

3. Conduct a ceremony: 进行一项仪式

例如:The wedding ceremony will be conducted in English and Chinese. (婚礼仪式将用英语和中文进行。)

4. Host a party: 主办一场派对

例如:We are hosting a party to celebrate our friend’s birthday tonight. (今晚我们将主办一场派对来庆祝我们朋友的生日。)

5. Throw an event: 举办一个活动

例如:My company will throw an event to launch our new product next month. (我的公司将在下个月举办一个活动来推出我们的新产品。)

6. Arrange a function: 安排一个功能

例如:The charity organization is arranging a fundraising function next week. (慈善组织将在下周安排一个筹款功能。)

7. Celebrate an occasion: 庆祝一个场合

例如:We will celebrate the New Year’s Eve together with our family this year. (今年我们将和家人一起庆祝除夕夜。)

8. Commemorate an event: 纪念一个事件

例如:The museum is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. (博物馆将纪念第一次世界大战结束100周年。)

9. Mark an occasion: 庆祝一个场合

例如:We will mark the occasion with a special dinner at a fancy restaurant. (我们将在一家高档餐厅用一顿特别的晚餐来庆祝这个场合。)

10. Run an activity: 组织一项活动

例如:The community center is running various activities for children during the summer break. (社区中心将在暑假期间为儿童们组织各种活动。)


1. Conduct (进行)

– The event will be conducted in English.

– We will conduct the meeting in English.

2. Hold (举办)

– The conference will be held in English.

– We are planning to hold the event in English.

3. Organize (组织)

– We have organized an English-speaking workshop.

– The company is organizing a seminar in English.

4. Host (主办)

– The university will host an English-language competition.

– We are honored to host an international conference in English.

5. Arrange (安排)

– The company has arranged for an English-speaking trainer.

– We have arranged for a translator to assist with the meeting in English.

6. Carry out (执行)

– Our team will carry out the project presentation in English.

– The research study was carried out in English.

7. Conducted in/through (以…方式进行)

– The interview was conducted entirely in English.

– The training session will be conducted through online platforms using only English.

8. Take place (发生)

– The event will take place in an all-English environment.

– The workshop took place with all participants communicating solely in English.

9. Commence (开始)

– We will commence the workshop with a brief introduction in English.

– The class will commence by reviewing key terms and phrases used when speaking in English.

10. Run/operate (运行/操作)

– All instructions and materials are available for download on our website, which is run solely in English.

– Our company operates globally and all communication is done using the official language, which is English

