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1. How to Express the Time in English

When it comes to telling time in English, there are a few different ways to express it depending on the context and situation. Here are some common phrases and expressions for expressing the time in English.

2. Asking for the Time

If you want to ask someone what time it is, you can use the following phrases:

– What time is it?

– Do you have the time?

– Could you tell me the time, please?

– Excuse me, do you know what time it is?

3. Responding to the Time

When someone asks you for the time, here are some ways you can respond:

– It’s (time).

– It’s (number) o’clock.

– It’s half past (number).

– It’s a quarter past/to (number).

4. Using Numbers vs Words

In English, both numbers and words can be used to express the time. For example:

– 5:00 or five o’clock

– 10:30 or half past ten

However, when using words, we usually use ”past” or ”to” instead of ”after” or ”before”. For example:

– 5:10 or ten after five (incorrect)

– 5:10 or ten past five (correct)

5. Times of Day

There are also specific phrases for different times of day:

– Morning – from midnight until noon

e.g. 8:30am or half past eight in the morning

– Afternoon – from noon until evening

e.g. 2:45pm or a quarter to three in the afternoon

– Evening – from evening until bedtime

e.g. 7:15pm or a quarter past seven in the evening

6. Using AM/PM vs Military Time

In American English, we use AM and PM to indicate whether it is before noon (AM) or after noon (PM). For example:

– 8:00am or eight o’clock in the morning

– 8:00pm or eight o’clock in the evening

In British English, they use a 24-hour clock or military time. This means that they use numbers to express the time from 1 to 24, with no AM or PM. For example:

– 8:00 or eight hundred hours (military time) = 8:00am

– 20:00 or twenty hundred hours (military time) = 8:00pm

7. Other Useful Phrases

Here are some other phrases that can be used to express the time in English:

– On the dot – exactly at a specific time

e.g. The meeting starts at nine on the dot.

– Sharp – exactly at a specific time

e.g. The train leaves at six sharp.

– Around/about – approximately at a certain time

e.g. The concert starts around seven.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many different ways to express the time in English depending on the context and situation. Whether you use numbers or words, make sure to use the correct prepositions and phrases for clarity and accuracy. With these tips, you’ll be able to confidently tell and understand the time in English!


1. ”What time is it?– 这是最常用的表达方式,直接询问现在的时间。

例句:What time is it? It’s 9 o’clock.

2. ”What’s the time?– 和”What time is it?”意思相同,也是常用的表达方式。

例句:What’s the time? It’s 3:30.

3. ”What hour is it?– 这种表达方式比较正式,一般不太常用。

例句:What hour is it? It’s 11 in the morning.

4. ”What’s the hour?– 和”What hour is it?”意思相同,也是比较正式的表达方式。

例句:What’s the hour? It’s 6 in the evening.

5. ”Can you tell me the time?– 这种表达方式更加委婉客气,适合用于请求别人告诉你时间。

例句:Excuse me, can you tell me the time? It’s almost noon and I need to catch a train.

6. ”Do you have the time?– 和”Can you tell me the time?”意思相同,也是委婉客气的表达方式。

例句:Excuse me, do you have the time? My watch stopped working and I need to make a call.

7. ”Could you let me know what time it is?– 这种表达方式更加礼貌客气,适合用于请求别人告诉你时间。

例句:Excuse me, could you let me know what time it is? I don’t want to be late for my appointment.

8. ”I was wondering if you could tell me the time?– 和”Could you let me know what time it is?”意思相同,也是比较礼貌客气的表达方式。

例句:Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me the time? My phone died and I need to know when the movie starts.

9. ”What’s the current time?– 这种表达方式强调现在的时间,适合用于询问比较重要的时刻。

例句:What’s the current time? We need to leave for the airport in an hour.

10. ”Do you know what time it is right now?– 和”What’s the current time?”意思相同,也是强调现在时间的表达方式。

例句:Do you know what time it is right now? Our flight leaves at 10:45 and we need to hurry


1. What time is it? (现在几点了?)


2. What’s the time? (现在几点了?)


3. Do you know what time it is? (你知道现在几点了吗?)


4. Could you tell me the time, please? (请问你能告诉我现在几点吗?)


5. It’s __ o’clock. (现在是__点。)


6. It’s almost __ o’clock. (快要__点了。)


7. It’s past __ o’clock. (已经过去__点了。)


8. It’s a quarter past/to __ o’clock. (现在是__点一刻/差一刻__点。)


9. It’s half past __ o’clock. (现在是__点半。)


10. It’s __ minutes to __ o’clock. (离__点还有__分钟。)



1. Time expressions

– What time is it? (现在几点了?)

– What’s the time? (现在几点了?)

– What time do you have? (你有几点?)

– What time is it now? (现在是什么时间?)

2. Ways to express the hour

– It’s one o’clock. (一点钟了。)

– It’s half past one. (一点半了。)

– It’s quarter past two. (两点一刻了。)

– It’s quarter to three. (差一刻三点了。)

3. Informal expressions

– It’s about two o’clock. (大约两点钟。)

– It’s almost seven o’clock. (快七点钟了。)

– It’s getting late, it must be ten o’clock already. (时间很晚,可能已经十点钟了。)

4. Formal expressions

– The time is now 3:15pm. (现在是下午三点十五分。)

– According to my watch, it is 11:45am. (根据我的手表,现在是上午十一点四十五分。)

5. Military time

In military or international settings, the 24-hour clock is used instead of the 12-hour clock.

For example:

– 6:00am – 0600 hours/0600h/0600hrs/06:00/06h/06hrs

– 3:30pm – 1530 hours/1530h/1530hrs/15:30/15h/15hrs

6. Time zones

When talking about different time zones, we use the abbreviation ”GMT” or ”UTC” to indicate the time zone.

For example:

– It’s 9am GMT. (现在是格林尼治标准时间上午九点。)

– The meeting is at 2pm UTC. (会议在协调世界时下午两点。)

7. Other ways to express time

– In the morning/afternoon/evening/night (早晨/下午/晚上/夜里)

– At dawn/dusk/midnight/noon (黎明/黄昏/午夜/中午)

– At sunrise/sunset (日出时/日落时)

– On the dot (准时)

8. Time-related vocabulary

– Hour (小时)

– Minute (分钟)

– Second (秒钟)

– Day (天)

– Week (星期)

– Month (月份)

– Year (年份)

9. Time idioms

– In the nick of time (及时,恰好赶上最后一刻)

– Kill time (消磨时间,打发时间)

– Ahead of one’s time (超前,领先于时代)

– Behind the times (落伍,跟不上时代)

– Time flies (光阴似箭)

10. Common phrases using ”time

– Time management (时间管理)

– Time is money (时间就是金钱)

– Time-consuming (耗费时间的)

– once upon a time (从前,很久以前)

– It’s high time (早该做某事了)


1. What time is it?

2. What hour is it?

3. What’s the time?

4. How many o’clock is it?

5. What’s the hour?

6. What time of day is it?

7. What time of night is it?

8. How late is it?

9. How early is it?

10. What’s the current time?

