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1. 光怪陆离的意思


2. 光怪陆离的解释


3. 光怪陆离的例句

– 这幅画色彩斑斓、错落有致,真是光怪陆离。

– 这个故事情节曲折、惊险刺激,让人感觉光怪陆离。

– 他的言行举止总是充满了光怪陆离的风格,令人难以琢磨。

– 这部电影场景设计精美、细节考究,给人留下了深刻的光怪陆离的印象。

4. 光怪陆离与其他类似成语的区别


5. 如何用英文表达“光怪陆离”

– Strange and bizarre

– Odd and peculiar

– Unusual and eccentric

– Quirky and outlandish

– Weird and fantastic


1. Bizarre and colorful

在英语中,可以用“bizarre and colorful”来表达“光怪陆离”。这个短语可以形容一件事物或场景非常奇特、色彩缤纷,给人带来强烈的视觉冲击。

2. Unusual and flamboyant

另一个表达“光怪陆离”的方式是“unusual and flamboyant”。这个短语可以形容某种风格或表现方式非常不寻常、浮夸,给人留下深刻印象。

3. Outlandish and vibrant

如果想要强调某物的奇异性和活力,可以使用“outlandish and vibrant”来表达。这个短语中的“outlandish”指的是超出寻常或习惯的,而“vibrant”则表示充满活力和生机。

4. Eccentric and lively

“Eccentric and lively”也是一个可以用来形容“光怪陆离”的词组。其中,“eccentric”指的是古怪、异乎寻常,而“lively”表示充满生气和活力。

5. Whimsical and dazzling

要表达某物具有奇思妙想和令人眼花缭乱的特点,可以使用“whimsical and dazzling”。这个词组中,“whimsical”表示古怪有趣的,而“dazzling”则表示耀眼夺目的。

6. Fantastical and vivid

“Fantastical and vivid”也是一个可以用来表达“光怪陆离”的词组。其中,“fantastical”指的是幻想般的、不真实的,而“vivid”表示生动鲜明的。

7. Quirky and vibrant

如果想要强调某物有趣古怪和充满活力,可以使用“quirky and vibrant”。这个短语中,“quirky”指的是离奇古怪的,而“vibrant”则表示充满活力和生机。

8. Unconventional and striking


1. Bizarre and bizarrely – 奇异的,离奇的

例句:The movie’s plot was bizarre and bizarrely unpredictable.

2. Strange and strangely – 奇怪的,怪异的

例句:The old house had a strange and strangely eerie atmosphere.

3. Unusual and unusually – 不寻常的,异常的

例句:Her artwork was unusual and unusually thought-provoking.

4. Odd and oddly – 古怪的,奇特的

例句:The odd-looking sculpture stood out oddly among the other pieces in the gallery.

5. Quirky and quirkily – 古怪的,离奇的

例句:The town’s annual festival is known for its quirky and quirkily dressed participants.

6. Peculiar and peculiarly – 特别的,独特的

例句:The peculiar design of the building caught everyone’s attention, especially with its peculiarly shaped windows.

7. Eccentric and eccentrically – 古怪的,异乎寻常的

例句:The eccentric millionaire’s mansion was filled with eccentrically decorated rooms.

8. Outlandish and outlandishly – 奇异的,荒诞不经的

例句:Her fashion choices were always outlandish, but she wore them outlandishly well.

9. Whimsical and whimsically – 异想天开地,可爱而奇特地

例句:The children’s book was filled with whimsical illustrations that captured their imagination whimsically.

10. Curious and curiously – 好奇地,不可思议地

例句:He looked at her curiously, wondering what she was up to with her curiously secretive behavior


1. Bizarre and bizarrely ”The movie’s plot was bizarre and bizarrely entertaining.

2. Outlandish ”Her fashion sense was always outlandish and eye-catching.

3. Eccentric ”The artist’s eccentric paintings were a hit at the gallery opening.

4. Quirky ”His quirky sense of humor always kept us laughing.

5. Offbeat ”The offbeat music festival featured unique and offbeat performances.

6. Strange ”The strange creatures in the fantasy novel made for an intriguing read.

7. Unconventional ”Their unconventional wedding ceremony was filled with surprises.

8. Peculiar ”The peculiar events in the small town had everyone talking.

9. Odd ”His odd behavior at the party raised a few eyebrows.

10. Whimsical ”The whimsical decorations at the carnival added to its charm.


1. 在翻译术语中,“光怪陆离”可以用“bizarre”、“strange and unusual”、“weird and wacky”等词汇来表达。比如,我们经常会遇到一些光怪陆离的专业术语,比如“螺旋桨式风力发电机”(helical wind turbine)或者“麦克风阵列”(microphone array)。

2. 在翻译文学作品中,“光怪陆离”的意思可能更接近于“fantastic”、“bizarre”或者“surreal”。比如,我们可以将《格林童话》(Grimm’s Fairy Tales)中的光怪陆离的情节翻译成“The fantastic adventures of Grimm’s Fairy Tales”。这样的翻译不仅能够准确地传达原作的意思,还能让读者感受到其中的奇幻氛围。

3. 在商业领域中,“光怪陆离”的含义可能更多指“unconventional”、“unusual”或者“quirky”。比如,在广告行业,我们可以用“The unconventional use of light and color in this ad campaign is truly bizarre.”来描述一则采用了光怪陆离手法的广告。

4. 在日常生活中,“光怪陆离”的意思也可以是“strange and crazy”,用来形容一些不寻常的事物或者行为。比如,当我们看到一群穿着奇装异服的人在街上跳舞时,我们可以说“This is a truly bizarre sight.”来表达我们的惊讶和不解。

5. 总的来说,“光怪陆离”在翻译行业中的应用场景是非常广泛的。无论是在术语翻译、文学作品翻译还是商业领域中,我们都可以用不同的英文表达来传达这一词汇所蕴含的多样意义。同时,光怪陆离也可以作为一种幽默手法出现在翻译中,让读者感受到作者或者译者的俏皮和幽默感

